UTF Encoding
Text in software is complicated. We were struggling with an HTTP response body which didn’t include a charset header - and appeared garbled when requested using Postman.
The answer was that it was UTF-16 encoded, so to decode this we needed to use:
const decoded = Buffer.from(body, 'utf-16le').toString('utf-8');
UTF Byte Order Marks
But if you try to decode a UTF-8 buffer as UTF-16 it won’t work, so we need to check the encoding before decoding it. We can do this by checking the Byte Order Mark (BOM) (we currently only care about UTF-8 or 16!).
Encoding | BOM |
UTF-8 | EF BB BF |
UTF-16 (BE) | FE FF |
UTF-16 (LE) | FF FE |
So we needed to get the first 2-3 hex characters from the response body, and then check if they matched any of the BOMs.
Get first three hex characters (the BOM) from byte array
function firstThreeHexChars(byteArray: Uint8Array) {
const uint8Array = byteArray.slice(0, 3);
const hexString = Array.prototype.map
.call(uint8Array, (x) => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2))
return hexString;
Check the BOM
Now we can check the encoding using those characters:
function detectEncodingFromBom(
byteArray: Uint8Array
): 'utf-8' | 'utf-16le' | 'utf-16be' | undefined {
if (byteArray.length >= 3) {
const hexString = firstThreeHexChars(byteArray);
if (hexString === 'efbbbf') {
return 'utf-8';
} else if (hexString.startsWith('fffe')) {
return 'utf-16le';
} else if (hexString.startsWith('feff')) {
return 'utf-16be';
Decode the body using the correct encoding
So to get a byte array from a url, detect its encoding, and then decode it:
async function getBodyTextWithDetectedEncoding(url: string) {
const res = await fetch(url);
const byteArray = await res.arrayBuffer();
const encoding = detectEncodingFromBom(new Uint8Array(byteArray));
const dec = new TextDecoder(encoding);
const text = dec.decode(byteArray);
return text;